Sydney FC

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Aaron Gurd

Adrian Segecic

Adrian Vlastelica

Alen Harbas

Alex Wilkinson

Alexandar Popovic

Alexander Grant

Anas Ouahim

Andrew Redmayne

Anthony Caceres

Corey Hollman

Douglas Costa

Gus Hoefsloot

Harrison Devenish-Meares

Jack Rodwell

Jaiden Kucharski

Jaushua Sotirio

Joe Lolley

Joel King

Jordan Courtney-Perkins

Joseph Lacey

Kyle Shaw

Leo Sena

Marin France

Mathias Macallister

Matthew Scarcella

Max Burgess

Mitchell Glasson

Patrick Kennedy

Patrick Wood

Patryk Klimala

Rhyan Grant

Tiago Quintal

Wataru Kamijo

Zachary de Jesus

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